About Us

About us


At AIS, we are all very different. We are born in different geographies. We love different food, music and movies. But we have something common that unites us all. It is our passion. We are driven by our mission to make AIS the best in the field of Intelligent GIS and Mobile Applications.

AIS was founded in 2001 by specialists in developing and providing GIS-based solutions including data acquisition, processing, analysis, visualization, and other related services. AI Softwares since has also diversified into rendering technological solutions and services in the areas of Mobile Computing, Web Development, Custom Application Development and Healthcare Applications.Irrespective of the size of your organization, AIS Services provide a powerful geoanalytics capability that combines the power of spatial as well as AI-enabled analysis. Our product’s seamless onboarding and ease of use along with ready-to-use map data vast repository allows you to start realizing the benefit of location intelligence from day one by helping analyze your business data against ready-to-use map data of ground reality

Our Mission Our Vision Our Values

Our Mission has always been, design with intelligence and deliver with passion.

Our vision at AI Softwares is to empower businesses with cutting-edge AI technology to drive growth, efficiency, and success.

At AI Softwares, we value innovation, customer satisfaction, and timelines.

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